Beautiful Kreations

Beautiful Kreations


Florists Florist


Beautiful Kreations is a premier luxury wedding and event design company known for creating breathtaking floral and décor experiences. Led by Marcia Villiers, CHIA, Beautiful Kreations specializes in curating memorable atmospheres that blend elegance with a touch of whimsy. Each event is uniquely tailored, with a focus on artistry, quality, and personalized client service. The team’s expertise spans intimate weddings to large-scale corporate events, delivering sophisticated floral arrangements, detailed tablescapes, and immersive installations that bring clients' visions to life. With a reputation for professionalism and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Beautiful Kreations consistently transforms venues into unforgettable spaces that capture the essence of each occasion.

Additional Info

  • Birthdays, Baby, Just Because, Wedding, 
  • Get Well, Farewell, Bereavement, Anniversary, 
  • Thinking of You, St. Patrick's Day, Patriot's Day, 
  • Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Veteran's Day
  • Nurse's Week, Employee Recognition, Best Teachers, Graduation


Tropical Floral Bouquet
Flower Hat Box!
Pumpkin Delight!
Hello Sunshine!
Callas in Motion
Baby I'm Worth It!
Blush pink and peach wedding bouquet


Marcia Villiers
President / Creative Director

Event PlanningFloristFlorists
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